소개 / about
대한민국 서울 태생으로 호주 시드니 거주. 직업은 소프트웨어 개발.
Sanghyun Park
Born in Seoul, South Korea and lives in Sydney, Australia. Enjoys software development, running, and swimming.
What is Baxang?
I am a.k.a Baxang among family members and friends. This is because last name comes first thus my full name reads Park, Sang-hyun(박상현) in Korean way.
And it is common to omit the last syllabal of a person’s name. Now it’s Park, Sang.
One more. I don’t know who the hell first wrote 박 as Park, but its real pronounciation is more close to bak. So my name can be written as Bak Sang.
When I was looking for a domain name for my personal website, I somehow coined Baxang which sounds similar to Bak-sang.