The Coast track, Royal National Park

The Coast track, Royal National Park

Recently I walked the Royal Coastal track in New South Wales, Australia, for two days as my very first and solo overnight hiking. Here's my report on the track, my gears, and learnings.

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My development tools

Some of tools that I use everyday: Docker Compose, Postico, Robo 3T, Jetbrains IDEs, etc.

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호주 휴가, 일

며칠 전에 외국계 회사에 다니는 한국인이 휴가에 대해 쓴 글을 읽었는데, 호주에 대해서는 '카더라' 정도 언급만 있어서 내가 아는 대로 적어볼까 한다. 미리 밝힘: 내가 다닌 두 회사는 규모가 크고, 한국도 그렇지만 IT 쪽이라 다른 분야에 비해 유연한 편인 것 같다. 따라서 모든 호주 회사가 같은 분위기는 아닐거라고 본다. 물론 법으로 정해진 건 지킨다. 풀-타임(주 38시간) 기준.

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Learning swimming

I'm learning freestyle, or the front crawl, at a local club's swimming pool. I had had my first swimming classes as a kid. I was 10 or 11. I don't know. But that was it. I mean, I didn't really went back to a pool to swim. I only remember a bakery near the pool where my sister and I spent about an hour after each lesson. It was during a summer school break and my father finished work about an hour later than our swimming class - he was a high school teacher lecturing summer school classes. He was a regular of the shop so we could stay in the shop until he came to pick us up. Both of the owners, a married and kind couple, adored us and usually offered us soft ice cream. That soft ice-cream cone's taste is only thing I still remember., but nothing else. No muscle memory or any swimming techniques left.

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Unicode symbols of special keys

It is sometimes hard to find special characters on a keyboard in Unicode. I found a blog post but also thought it would be nicer to have the symbols table with the precise Unicode names, HTML entity codes, and an instant search. I wrote a ruby script for it.

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